Everybody Has a Gift From God (What’s Yours?)

But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that. 1 Corinthians 7:7

Everybody has a gift. What's yours?

geralt / Pixabay

While straightening out kitchen cabinets, I came across a jar of home-made Kosher dill pickles nestled among a jar of preserves. The preserves and the pickles were made by a neighbor, who regularly gifts us with her dazzlingly packaged, mouth-watering goodies. I didn’t waste any time opening the jar of Kosher dills, closed my eyes, and blissfully crunched away, careful to catch the juice with a paper towel. Some gifts are obvious, and still others are like those delicious Kosher dills, inconspicuously tucked away for future discovery. Each of us has our own God-given gifts. Some are obvious, like family, education, and jobs. But some are like those Kosher pickles: Preserved and tucked away for future discovery. Whatever gifts you have, put them all to good use everyday.

What’s your gift like? Do you have one or many? Like my delicious dill pickles, the Lord expects you to sink your teeth into your gifts. Your gifts give you joy and nourishment. How can you use your gifts to bless others this week?

Think about it!

Until next time: “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!”

Your friend in Christ,


Twitter handle: @vlights


© 2015 Verneda Lights