Month: January 2014

The Lord God, Abundant in Goodness and Truth (Exodus 34:6)

Blue sky and meadow

  The Lord’s abundant provisions for our daily lives reveal His great love and kindness towards us. The word for today is “#abundant:” Exodus 34:6 And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, “The Lord, The Lord God, merciful…

Completely Humble and Gentle (Ephesians 4:2)

Black and white image of the world in gentle hands.

  The word for today is “humble:” Humility is a valued treasure. I remember reading a story about the famous African-American scientist, George Washington Carver. Carver was standing outside of a hotel where he was registered as a guest when…

The First Shall Be Last (Mark 9:35)

Laurel wreath.

The word for today is “first.” The word “first” is a time-mark. The Bible talks about first-fruits, first-born, and the desire to be the first. Ambitious, competitive and aggressive people, and those who hold themselves in high-esteem often seek first…

10 Ways to Use Psychology to Convert More Customers (Infographic)

Businessman making a presentation.

To see a larger version of this infographic, click on the infographic. The infographic will then appear on another page, but will look more narrow. Click on that image to expand the infographic. Thanks! Read about how E-graphX Omnimedia creates…