Month: August 2014

The Word for Today is #One

antique family Bible

The Bible has a lot to say about racism, slavery, and unfair treatment of immigrants. Oppression is so not Jesus, yet there are many willing to deny others the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness in the name of…

The Word for Today Is #Handiwork

Bird of Paradise flower

Your fingerprints are not the only part of you that’s unique and beautiful. The Lord took special care to craft every cell in your body, then poured special gifts to shine like diamonds, into your mind and soul. The Bible…

God Cares for You

Painting of the Angel of the Lord standing with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

Florida Mass Choir performs “Battle-Axe.” (If video does not immediately appear, refresh your browser.) When I was a child, I had a plaque given to me as a reward for excellence in memorizing Bible verses. The plaque said “casting all…