Month: July 2016

Best Design Ideas: The Rule of Thirds

Best Design Ideas include the rule of thirds.

Best design ideas come from graphic designers and photographers. But, non designers also need professional images to illustrate their work in print or on the web. Hiring someone to create a presentation, custom blog illustrations, or banners can be very…

Digitally Homeless, Are Ya’? (Think Twice Before You Say “No”!)

Photo of homeless man asking: "Are You Digitally Homeless?"

  Digitally homeless. Does that describe you? If your answer is “No,” please qualify your response. Is it because you know how to surf the Internet? Is it because you are active on social media? To be sure, these skills…

Work-Related Stress Is Important, So I Did a Video About It

You can overcome work related stress.

Work-Related Stress is important, so I made a video about it. But, I learned something very important about myself while preparing today’s video. I didn’t start expecting new insights, though, Rather, I wanted to extend the function of yesterday’s video, about…