Category: Metropolitan Gleanings

Insights and meditations for the thoughtful Christian life.

Best Design Ideas: The Rule of Thirds

Best Design Ideas include the rule of thirds.

Best design ideas come from graphic designers and photographers. But, non designers also need professional images to illustrate their work in print or on the web. Hiring someone to create a presentation, custom blog illustrations, or banners can be very…

Work-Related Stress Is Important, So I Did a Video About It

You can overcome work related stress.

Work-Related Stress is important, so I made a video about it. But, I learned something very important about myself while preparing today’s video. I didn’t start expecting new insights, though, Rather, I wanted to extend the function of yesterday’s video, about…

Trust Is Earned. Whom Do You Trust?

Trust is something that your mind searches out and your instincts test and confirm. You should pay attention when you have a sense of danger. When you become hyper alert and expand your visual attention to what’s before, behind, and…

Remember: Pride Comes Before a Fall

Picture of peacock, a symbol of pride.

Have you ever done something terribly wrong because of pride? Did a faint whisper say: “Stop! Don’t do that?” Did the threat of shame make your cheeks burn? But. The skeletal grip of pride tightened like a boa constrictor every time you…

What Is the Cost of Your Sacrifice?

Woke up this early Spring morning, thinking about sacrifice. By definition, sacrifice costs. Cost means suffering, a little or a lot. Suffering often comes with pain. It leaves wounds and scars us. Because sacrifice is costly, painful, and wounding, we…