Don’t Wear Yourself Out

Cross-section between stress and relaxation.

geralt / Pixabay

Exodus 18:18

You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone.

Several months ago, I wrote a blog post about how Moses, (a work-a-holic who believed in doing everything himself), was advised by his father-in-law, Jethro, to set up an administrative structure that would streamline his work and decrease his stress levels. While functioning as a caregiver, this point is something I ponder often.

Being a caregiver is hard work, and there’s nothing like having a chance to sit down after months of intense healthcare follow ups, meal preparations, and daily housekeeping stuff. What a blessing that my sister, Bessie, came to help out last month. For me, rest means, well, sitting down, sleeping late, not answering the phone, and going nowhere! In between doing lots of precious nothing, I got to sit down and eat some luscious boiled crabs Bess brought from the Robert Smalls High School Reunion, and snacked on pastries I hadn’t tasted since I was in elementary school.

I woke up to the smell of ham and cheese omelets and the comforting sizzle of hot country bacon on the stove. I’m still trying to figure out how Bess managed to make that sauce to go with that marvelously caramelized chicken & onions. My sister stayed up late at night, just like I do. So much so, I had to remind her: “You need rest, too!”

Now that I’ve had a chance to ponder just how important help is, I’m determined not to be one of those Christians who “have not because” they “ask not!” I’ve made a promise to myself to spend more time in God’s Word, rest more, and eat better.

Friend, there’s so much work to get done in the course of our days, it’s a blessing when Godly help comes your way! Because thinking you can do it all comes before you “hit the wall,” it’s good to send a prayer for help, to God, Who has your sorrows, felt.

The word for today is #cannot. Getting help when you can’t, keeps you standing.

Is there something in your life now that is a burden best shared?  If so, pray to the Lord for wisdom to find righteous help.

Until Next time: Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!

Your friend in Christ,


Twitter handle: @vlights

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