Friendships are fragile, because people have flaws. One of the biggest mistakes people make when they have a problem with a friend or relative, is that they go and discuss it with other people. Unfortunately, the other people you talk…
The Word for Today Is #Condemnation
In any situation, condemnation means “no escape”: It is the rap you’ll never beat without a pardon. For Christians, the pardon comes with faith in Jesus, Who is the only One to escape death, never to die again. Because He…
The Word for Today Is #Lost
Soweto Gospel Choir sings “Amazing Grace.” If the video doesn’t immediately appear, refresh the page. So…
The Word for Today Is #Intercede
When I practiced medicine, I had a saying: “The only good lawyer is My lawyer.” In the court of Heaven, Jesus is the only Lawyer Who can get you off that sentence of eternal damnation. He intercedes for all those…
Jesus Is Your Best Friend
God Helps The People Who Are In Desperate Need
A sinking ship: “Master, we are perishing!” A naked maniac: “And seeing Jesus, he cried out with a loud voice… “ A dying daughter: The father “fell at Jesus’ feet and began to entreat Him… “ A bleeding woman: She…