Your fingerprints are not the only part of you that’s unique and beautiful. The Lord took special care to craft every cell in your body, then poured special gifts to shine like diamonds, into your mind and soul. The Bible…
Florida Mass Choir performs “Battle-Axe.” (If video does not immediately appear, refresh your browser.) When I was a child, I had a plaque given to me as a reward for excellence in memorizing Bible verses. The plaque said “casting all…
God creates every human being, but being created by God doesn’t automatically make everyone His child. God’s children have a trusting relationship with their Father. They believe in HIm. They receive and welcome His love and forgiveness, and they rely…
Faith is knowing something even though all your senses and reason tell you that what you know is impossible. We can have faith because with God all things are possible. The word for today is #faith: Now faith is the…
In the 1990s, a very large, prestigious medical school and hospital system offered me the opportunity to partner with them. I was a solo internist/ entrepreneur who had labored for over a decade to run a financially solvent medical center. The…
You Have an Assignment God has a purpose for every life on Earth, but not every life on Earth cares about God’s purpose for their lives. Like Jonah, who ran away from his assignment, and was swallowed by a whale that delivered…