Stop! In the Name of the Lord. (Obedience)


Chris's baptism by John the Baptist was an act of obedience. Bartolomé Esteban Perez Murillo - Baptism of C...

Bartolomé Esteban Perez Murillo – Baptism of Christ – WGA16366 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Obedience to the laws of the land is one of the things that makes our lives orderly and safe. Unfortunately, there are many Christians who routinely break secular and spiritual laws.  For example, there are believers who commit petty theft on their jobs. Then, there are those who turn a blind eye to ethical dilemmas for the sake of profit. Others indulge in illegal substances, and risk their lives and the safety of the public by driving while intoxicated. Some commit adultery and destroy homes. Many routinely tell lies to look good in the eyes of others. More than a few commit suicide.

Believers are not called to live lawless lives. Hebrews 13:17 (ASV), says:

17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit to them: for they watch in behalf of your souls, as they that shall give account; that they may do this with joy, and not with grief: for this were unprofitable for you.

Obedience to God & Laws of the Land

The ways in which we daily break the heart of the Savior and frustrate the Holy Spirit are too many to count. You can try to distance yourself from the Lord’s instructions, but the power and eyes of Jehovah are greater and more relentless than the police or IRS. We simply cannot hide from God, nor can we prevent His correction.

Obedience to the Lord and compliance with the laws of the land require self-discipline. It is painful to live within financial constraints, and sticking to a budget means learning how to deny yourself. Obedience and self-discipline are ways that “we must decrease” so that Jesus can increase. For example, when our Lord allowed John the Baptist to baptize Him, He was being humble and obedient.

It will never profit Christians to love their means and ways of living more than they love the Lord. The repercussions for living outside the laws of God and man are many, and severe.


Failure to Obey God Has Consequences

It’s good to aspire to great goals that we love, as long as the Lord has approved those goals as being His will for our lives. Those who step outside of the will of God, are more easily led to break the laws of man as well. Examine your life today. Are you in obedience to those who “have the rule over you?” If not, be sure, the future will be rough. The grief of disobedience is never profitable. Whatever you are doing that is outside of the laws of God and man: Stop! Repent and cry out to God for release from whatever has you in bondage, for the Lord is mighty and able to save and heal us.

Don’t forget to bless the Lord, bless others and speak blessings into your own life.

Until we meet again: “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” (Ephesians 6:10)


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Updated July 6, 2016

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