Tag: The Word for Today

The Word for Today is #One

antique family Bible

The Bible has a lot to say about racism, slavery, and unfair treatment of immigrants. Oppression is so not Jesus, yet there are many willing to deny others the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness in the name of…

The Word for Today Is #Exasperate

"Woman on Fire" Photo by Vera Kratochvil.

Fathers are uniquely able to influence the lives of their children because they are close-by. According to what’s in his heart, a father wields good or evil influence over his children. Whether physically absent or emotionally distant, fathers maintain proximity to their children…

The Word for Today Is #Gift


Gifts are a sure way to show love. Contrary to popular belief, the thought isn’t the only thing that counts. Gifts have to meet a standard of satisfaction with the recipient, and a good gift is the one the recipient thinks is wonderful. Birthdays,…

The Word for Today Is #Forgive

I'm sorry

The hard thing about forgiveness is that you often have to forgive when you feel least inclined to do so. Forgiveness is like a bitter medicine that cures many a hardness and fever of the mind and heart. Because forgiveness…

The Word for Today Is #Narrow

Photograph of a road.

Christians are often accused of being narrow-minded, but that is not the case. There are narrow- minded people who obscure and profane the love of God, which is wide and deep. These people call themselves Christians, but their actions are anything but.…

The Word for Today Is #Trust

Child's hand rests in his father's hand.

There are a lot of people who have a hard time trusting others. Because they have a hard time trusting, they don’t have a lot of friends. People who don’t trust can have a hard time believing that they can trust…