The Day My Mother (Almost) Died

Color photo of Jennise Lights by her daughter, Verneda Lights.

I took this picture of Mom on Mother’s Day, 2014. She was 97 years old.

It is Thankful Tuesday, and the crisp autumn chill is a gentle reminder of season’s change. These last few weeks were dangerous and difficult times for my family. Even though the hurricane brought floods and destruction throughout the state, the storm raging with my mother’s failing health was far more treacherous. On October 8th, my sister and I were confronted with the harsh reality that our agile, vibrant, beautiful, articulate, stubborn, 98 year-old mother was dying. All the signs were there. My mother made it plain that she did not want to die in the hospital, so I notified all physicians. Everyone agreed that in light of Mom’s long and valiant battle against a terminal illness, palliative care-mode was most consistent with her wish to spend her last days in her own home. That day was one of the most dark and somber moments for my family.

I sent a text alert to all my siblings, and called our close family friend and neighbor, Jerry Dorsey, who has walked with us throughout this journey. Jerry told his sister Carol. Their mother, Mildred Dorsey, is one of my Mom’s dearest friends and prayer partners. Carol posted an SOS on Facebook, alerting all prayer warriors, asking that they pray for Mom’s health. Many of the most stalwart answered the call. Meanwhile, Bessie continued praying, singing, and reading Scriptures to Mom. She bathed her, and anointed her with sacred oils I prepared. Bess prayed, read, and sang until her (formidable) voice was almost gone. I was mindful to stay quiet and continue in prayer. Then, around midnight, Mom’s feet started to get warm. When dawn came and she was still with us, we understood and were so grateful, that the “mercies of the Lord are new every morning.” Great is His faithfulness! Hallelujah!!

What a mighty GOD we serve! He sits high, but He looks low, and has pity on our frailties. Mom is continuing to improve, and a “peace that passes understanding” permeates the house. It’s been over 2 weeks now, and Mom is talking, laughing, eating, and praising the Lord! There is more to this story, meant for sharing at another time. Right now, I’m so thankful for the prayers offered by friends and family on and off Facebook and Twitter. Prayers are a powerful way to help a friend or loved one in a time of crisis. This is an obligation for all Christians. Galatians 6:2 says:

“Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”

Cyberspace has many graces that allow believers to quickly reach out for help. Thank God for the times when we use social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter as a wailing wall. Thank you, thank you, thank you my friends, and my family!! God bless you, one and all!!

Until next time: “Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might!”

Your friend in Christ,


Twitter handle: @vlights