The Word for Today is #Virtuous

Woman carries a small child on her back.

Photo courtesy of Yolanda / Pixabay

There’s a saying that “everybody has a price,” and I guess for the most part, this is true. But the price of a good woman, wife, mother, sister, aunt, cousin, teacher, friend, or neighbor isn’t about the price of selling out: It’s about the value of what she brings to the table. The Bible refers to these riches-bearing women as “virtuous.” But the word virtuous refers to more than good deeds and lofty thoughts. It means that the virtuous woman is present in whatever situation she’s in. In other words, she comes “a-packin.” She’s a friend to the end who knows the meaning of confidential. She’s “ready like Freddy with a ton of spaghetti” to feed you when you’re hungry, and she’s “on like popcorn” when trouble is brewing. Mess with her people, and she’ll be on you “like white on rice,” and if pushed too far, she knows how to knock you 5 ways into next week. She fears God. She is thankful for and prays about everything. Every breath she takes is a meditation of praise to God, which she does without ceasing. She blesses the lives of those who share whatever space she’s in.

If you were raised by a virtuous woman, give her flowers while she’s living. Open your mouth, and call her blessed. The word for today is (you guessed it), #virtuous:

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Proverbs 31:10, 27-28 KJV