Month: May 2014

Running out of Energy? Start Your Day With a Great Breakfast!


Living a busy life doesn’t leave a lot of room for planning meals. Planning meals is important, because your body needs fuel to function properly. Food, water and oxygen provide the energy that your cells need to function and grow.…

The Word for Today Is #Patience

Jesus offers calmness when we rather let off steam the wrong way.

I come from a family of hot-headed individuals. I remember my Dad, (who was known for his lively personality and short temper), stirring a pot of his famously delicious gumbo saying “Patience is a virtue…Patience is a virtue.” Unlike my…

The Word for Today Is #Pure

Tulips and Hyacinths in Keukenhof Gardens.

Just as there are many different types of fruit bearing trees, there are many different kinds of wisdom.  Wisdom is peculiar to the arena and spirit it addresses: There is a wisdom for how to steal, kill, lie, make war,…

The Word for Today Is #Help

Circle of hands being held

Some people hold back on doing good for God’s people because they think they won’t be rewarded. No doubt, some Christians are downright mean and ungrateful, but we must remember to help others within the household of faith because the Lord has promised He…

The Word for Today Is #Vain

Your eyes are the windows to your soul. It is a primary filter for your ability to identify beauty. Our eyes also help us to discern safely vs. danger, and love vs. hate. The trouble comes when we rely too…

The Word for Today is #Virtuous

Woman carries a small child on her back.

There’s a saying that “everybody has a price,” and I guess for the most part, this is true. But the price of a good woman, wife, mother, sister, aunt, cousin, teacher, friend, or neighbor isn’t about the price of selling…

The Word for Today Is #Fault

Friendships are fragile, because people have flaws. One of the biggest mistakes people make when they have a problem with a friend or relative, is that they go and discuss it with other people. Unfortunately, the other people you talk…

The Word for Today Is #Condemnation

In any situation, condemnation means “no escape”: It is the rap you’ll never beat without a pardon. For Christians, the pardon comes with faith in Jesus, Who is the only One to escape death, never to die again. Because He…