Sifted! Like Wheat: Part III

Sifted! Like Wheat: Part III

Luke 22:32
…and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.

The capture of Christ (detail)

The capture of Christ (detail) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This is a message for all believers. In parts one and two of this series, I discussed some of the events of the Last Supper. We reviewed how the noises (distractions of pride, etc.) going on in the minds and hearts of the Apostles blinded them to seeing the fullness of Jesus’ message that He was about to be betrayed by one of them, and would soon die. We looked at Jesus’ warning to Peter, that Satan had demanded to sift him like wheat. We also reviewed the comfort of Jesus telling Peter that He had prayed (begged, pleaded) for him that his faith would hold fast through the sifting process. It is a rare Christian who does not cringe at the unfolding of what happened to Peter. He would deny the Lord three times that very night. It is a hard thing for pride and self sufficiency to fall. The crashing of pride is another category of noise altogether. The noise of deep personal failures echoes into the future.

The threat of personal failures is that we can allow them to destroy us. Being consumed by failure and disappointment at our own humiliations can halt us in our tracts and keep us from moving forward for the Lord. Jesus gave Peter this light in the darkness: “when thou art converted.” These words were like saying “Peter, you’re going to make it through this.” Jesus is saying the same to us today: We’re going to make it through this, no matter what “this” is. Jesus took a step further with the drowning Apostle, lending him His hand, even as He did when doubt caused Peter to sink beneath the storm waves after walking on water. Jesus said: “When thou are converted, strengthen thy brethren.” What a burst of light and vision! What a marvelous hope! Even before the horror of betraying his beloved Master, Jesus told Peter that he would not only survive, but he would have strength to spare. He would be given the strength to strengthen others.

Friends, this message is for us today. Whatever has your eyes downcast. Whatever shadows darken your path. How ever many times you have faced humiliation and deeply disappointed others and yourself: The arm of Jesus will pull you out. The prayer of Jesus will secure your survival and give you strength to continue serving Him. Your faith will not cease. It will not die. You will “live to declare the works of the Lord.” (Psalm 118:17) May these words strengthen and encourage you today.

Until we meet again: “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” (Ephesians 6:10)


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Reviewed 07/15/2015

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