Tag: God

The Word for Today Is #Gift


Gifts are a sure way to show love. Contrary to popular belief, the thought isn’t the only thing that counts. Gifts have to meet a standard of satisfaction with the recipient, and a good gift is the one the recipient thinks is wonderful. Birthdays,…

The Word for Today Is #Declare

Dusk, Dawn

Objects declare, show, or speak the “style” of the person who made it. People talk about an “artist’s touch” and you can often tell the author of a painting and by its brush strokes. Paintings by Picasso, Rembrandt, Vermeer, and Romare Bearden…

The Word for Today Is #Trust

Child's hand rests in his father's hand.

There are a lot of people who have a hard time trusting others. Because they have a hard time trusting, they don’t have a lot of friends. People who don’t trust can have a hard time believing that they can trust…

The Word for Today Is #Mercy

Black and white drawing of a heart.

Mercy is kindness shown to those who don’t deserve it, and may not even appreciate it. In many ways mercy is a kindness owed, because loving God and our neighbor is a commandment. We do good deeds and show kindness to…

The Word for Today Is #With

Multicolored puzzle

  With is a word of association. It implies belonging. Like a rope, “with” ties people together for good or evil. In the hours before Jesus was crucified, the Apostle Peter felt threatened by a girl who told the crowd that…

The Word for Today is #Save

Dove flying above the Earth.

I remember a conversation I had years ago with a friend who was a new Christian. As often happens with Christian newbies, my friend wasn’t happy with her new life. She was actually quite self-absorbed, spoiled, and definitely not happy with all…

The Word for Today Is #Devoted

Burning devotion candle

These days, you don’t hear much about people being devoted to one another. Devotion requires love, which is often in short supply, in part because faith has fallen to the wayside. The word for today is #devoted: Be devoted to…

What’s in a Name?

Every believer will obtain a new name written on a white stone.

Everything has a name. Naming has many dimensions. To have a name verifies existence, for things both seen and unseen. For example, the Greek philosopher Democritus named the atom about 2,500 years ago – long before their existence was proven. The name…

God Promises New Blessings Every Morning

Silver-Lining. Photo by Verneda Lights.

Sometimes you can get so bogged down in the details of living that you wake up dreading the hours ahead instead of rejoicing that the blessings of God are “new every morning.” Lamentations 3:22-24 says: Because of the Lord’s great…