The Word for Today Is #Exasperate


Frustrated (Photo credit: cellar_door_films)

Fathers are uniquely able to influence the lives of their children because they are close-by. According to what’s in his heart, a father wields good or evil influence over his children.

Whether physically absent or emotionally distant, fathers maintain proximity to their children because children think about their fathers and have expectations of them. Children rightfully expect to have a nurturing relationship with their fathers. They expect food, protection, and affection. These desires are deeply embedded in the hearts of children. The Lord is aware of these needs, because He put them there.

The physical, spiritual and emotional needs of children were not created to exist in isolation. The needs of children are the call to parents to respond in ways that make the child feel safe and loved, so that they in know how to show their own children love and keep them safe. In that way, societies become safe and loving.

Fathers who fail to meet the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of their children, thwart their expectations of being cared for and protected. Some fathers even use their proximity to their children as opportunities for abuse. If neglect is the norm, a child’s heart and mind becomes stunted, much like how the growth and color of a plant suffers without sunlight, water, and nutrients. Accumulation of unmet expectations causes deep frustration, anger, and despair, which can become seeds for destructive behaviors such as self-harm and injury to others.

The Bible calls for fathers to love and protect their children, and to teach them the ways of the Lord. But they cannot teach about God if they do not know Him. The best that people who do not know the Lord can hope for is civility. There is a big difference between civility and righteousness: A civil child has a standard of acceptable evil and righteous child does not.

Clearly, exasperation is a dangerous seed to plant in a child’s heart. The word for today is #exasperate:

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4 NIV

Friend, do you have children of your own, or children in your environment? How are you using your closeness to them? Is your presence or absence an opportunity for abuse? Does your behavior inspire or frustrate them? What can you do to change?

Jesus knows the answer. Come to Him today!

Until we meet again, “Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might!”

Your friend in Christ,


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