The Word for Today Is #Listen

Man listening to a sound

Image courtesy of OpenClips / Pixabay

When I was studying for my MBA, I read an article that said presenters have to say something seven times before their audience hears them. What they really meant is that you have to say something (presumably to a prospective client) seven times before they not only hear but listen to what you have to say. Some people don’t listen because they refuse to. They feign attention while planning what they’re going to say or do despite what you have to say. False friends feign listening. If you have people around you who perpetually don’t “get” (hear) what you have to say, and always talk over you before you finish speaking, leave them to their agendas and move on. Hear what the Bible has to say. The word for today is #listen:

[ Listening and Doing ] My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, James 1:19 NIV

Until next time, “Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might!”

Your friend in Christ,


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