The Word for Today Is #Neighbor

Women sitting together on a bench.

Photo courtesy of makunin / Pixabay

In the Bible, family and neighbors are a big deal. Nowadays, neighborliness is a casualty of urbanization, economic isolation, and generalized ennui. Before I moved back to my childhood home, I hadn’t known neighbor in 15 years, and even then the “knowing” was business-based and restricted to morning greetings. The only time I was able to act like the neighbors I grew up with was when I heard their daughter (whom I rarely saw) sobbing uncontrollably on their steps because she was rejected by Spelman College. I sat down with her and spoke words of encouragement into her dark teenage moment until her tears eventually stopped.

The Bible emphasizes being a good family member and a good neighbor, which is wise because these units are the foundation for a safe and prosperous society. When these bonds are broken, lawlessness and chaos step in. The Biblical idea of a good neighbor is an involved neighbor. Romans 15:2 says that we are to “please” our neighbor for “good edification.” According to Strong’s Concordance, the word “please” means to seek to be agreeable, and “edification” means “to build up.” Instead of being emotionally detached, or tearing down our neighbors with gossip, Christians should be emotionally involved in a way that is Godly and helps to build up the people around us.

Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification. Romans 15:2 KJV

Until next time, “Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might!”

Your friend in Christ,


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