I remember a conversation I had years ago with a friend who was a new Christian. As often happens with Christian newbies, my friend wasn’t happy with her new life. She was actually quite self-absorbed, spoiled, and definitely not happy with all…
When I was studying for my MBA, I read an article that said presenters have to say something seven times before their audience hears them. What they really meant is that you have to say something (presumably to a prospective client) seven…
These days, you don’t hear much about people being devoted to one another. Devotion requires love, which is often in short supply, in part because faith has fallen to the wayside. The word for today is #devoted: Be devoted to…
In the Bible, family and neighbors are a big deal. Nowadays, neighborliness is a casualty of urbanization, economic isolation, and generalized ennui. Before I moved back to my childhood home, I hadn’t known neighbor in 15 years, and even then the “knowing”…
People make the mistake of thinking that Christianity is a narrow, uptight, lifestyle. The deeper I move into authentic Christianity, the more I can say that is not the case. Believers are free to do many things, but we are…
Living a busy life doesn’t leave a lot of room for planning meals. Planning meals is important, because your body needs fuel to function properly. Food, water and oxygen provide the energy that your cells need to function and grow.…